Account Setup¶
Setting up a New User account for the Game Warden is a simple process with few steps. See below for instructions on how to access the Game Warden application.
New User Account¶
Step One - Create a Platform One Single Sign-On (P1 SSO) account¶
FAQ: What is Platform One?
Platform One (P1) is a DoD DevSecOps platform that delivers applications to the government. Game Warden integrates with P1 and, in so doing, has access to the P1 DoD-approved tooling for software development.
These instructions detail how to create your P1 SSO. You will need to download a multi-factor authenticator (MFA) application, fill out the registration form, and click a link in a verification email.
We recommend you establish your P1 SSO account using your work email as this is the email we will use to send you an invitation to the Game Warden app.
Step Two - Account verification via Keycloak¶
What is Keycloak?
Keycloak is the Identity and Access Management (IAM) solution that allows secure access to the Game Warden Web App, your products, and other Game Warden-hosted solutions using a single set of login credentials (the P1 SSO you just created).
Navigate to and click on Sign In.
Select the option to Log in with P1 SSO
Enter the Platform One credentials you created in Step One and enter your MFA number.
You will be redirected to your personal Keycloak account with your name in the upper right corner. If you've made it this far, you have successfully verified your account!
If you were not able to verify your account via Keycloak, ensure you used the same login credentials you created in step one.
Step Three - Get added to your company profile¶
Navigate to the Game Warden app at and log in using your P1 SSO credentials. On successfully logging in, you should expect to see the below:
Notify our Customer Operations team of your successful login and we will add you to your company profile!
You can preemptively send us a list of who from your organization will need access to the Game Waren app to expedite this final step.
Adding Your Team to Game Warden¶
Once you have established your user account, you can invite your team to Game Warden from within the app.
Navigate to the Game Warden application at and login with your P1 SSO credentials.
Click on the Company Profile tab in the left-side navigation panel.
Click on the INVITE TEAM MEMBERS button.
Fill out the menu fields for the individual you are inviting to your Game Warden company profile and select a role of Contributor or Admin. > For information
User Invitation Pre-requisites
All team members you want to invite to Game Warden MUST establish P1 SSO credentials to log in.
If your team member's email domain DOES NOT match yours, contact the Customer Operations team for assistance.
Click INVITE. An invitation email will be sent to your team member.
When your team member attempts to log in, they will get an expected
Your account has not been granted access to this application group yet.
message. Let your TIM or CS representative know and we will grant them the necessary Keycloak groups to finish the account provisioning process.
Last Updated: 02/21/24